Dr. Frederick Greene, our Consulting Medical Officer has leveraged his extensive surgical experience and his ongoing editorial experiences with the AJCC and CoC to drive several initiatives for CRStar - including the industry's first podcast focused on Cancer Registry.
For many decades, the association of prolonged stress and cancer has been known. This has been described in civilians who are affected by the prolonged stress of war, such as those living in wartime Britain during the London blitz in 1940-41 and, more recently, the unfortunate people living in Ukraine. Recent studies have also shown […]
One of the very “high tech” surgical procedures introduced over the last several decades, but gaining more importance in the last few years is Cytoreductive Surgery with the addition of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC). This approach has been used for treating intraperitoneal metastases resulting from ovarian, gastrointestinal and a variety of less common cancers. The […]
Cancer immunotherapies use the body’s own immune system to fight off cancer. Despite some remarkable success stories, many patients only see a temporary improvement before the immunotherapy stops being effective and the tumors regrow. It is unclear why this occurs, but it may have to do with how the immune system attacks cancer cells. Immunotherapies […]
Single cell sequencing is a powerful technology that uses a machine to separate thousands to millions of cells and sequence the genetic material of each cell independently. This increases the resolution of the cellular differences within a diverse population of cells, such as in a tumor. As one example, in a recent study using single […]
During the coronavirus pandemic, national guidelines recommended that elective surgery be deferred when hospital resources are limited. The impact of this delay on outcomes of patients with cancer is unknown. A recent study evaluated the effect of delay of surgery for esophageal cancer during the period 2010-2017. Using the data from the National Cancer Database, […]