Dr. Frederick Greene, our Consulting Medical Officer has leveraged his extensive surgical experience and his ongoing editorial experiences with the AJCC and CoC to drive several initiatives for CRStar - including the industry's first podcast focused on Cancer Registry.
As I write this “Clinical Corner” one day prior to the 79th anniversary of D-Day, it is appropriate to remember not only the ultimate sacrifices of our military personnel in all prior conflicts, but to highlight also the cancer-related associations reported in those who have served. One such recent report underscores some of these associations. […]
A prospective study reported in The Lancet Oncology, reported that endoscopic surveillance may be an alternative to prophylactic total gastrectomy in patients at risk for hereditary diffuse gastric cancer due to germline CDH1 pathogenic variants. In the study, 270 patients with germline CDH1 variants underwent endoscopic screening and surveillance as part of a natural history […]
Breast augmentation implants associated with development of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) have been increasingly reported over the last several years. The first case of BIA-ALCL was reported in 1997. The link between breast implants and ALCL became stronger more recently when six cases of ALCL involved the breast and three of these occurred in women […]
When I trained as a surgeon in the 1970’s, almost all patients went to the operating room for a breast lump to make a diagnosis of cancer or benign disease, breast cancer was treated by radical mastectomy and neoadjuvant treatment was a distant thought! Essentially all diagnostic biopsies were surgical until image-guided stereotactic needle biopsy […]
Since a variety of cancers occur in women during pregnancy, will the in utero exposure to maternal cancer and cancer treatment influence the unborn child's short- and long-term health and development? A recent study in Denmark investigated outcomes in children exposed to maternal cancer in utero between January 1978 and December 2018. Exposure was defined […]