Dr. Frederick Greene, our Consulting Medical Officer has leveraged his extensive surgical experience and his ongoing editorial experiences with the AJCC and CoC to drive several initiatives for CRStar - including the industry's first podcast focused on Cancer Registry.
There are demonstrated differences in tumor cell metabolism between right-sided and left-sided colorectal tumors, which could explain the differences observed in their clinical behavior, especially in metastatic disease. Now, new research has found that patients with right-sided colorectal tumors that spread to the liver have worse survival rates than those with left-sided tumors that also […]
The number of cancer survivors in the United States is expected to exceed 22 million by 2030, according to the American Cancer Society. A prior study showed 18.4% of adults diagnosed with an incident cancer between 2009 and 2013 had survived a prior malignancy. Registry information is critical in highlighting the importance of this trend […]
One of the interesting themes in cancer treatment over the last few years has been “de-escalation” of traditional treatment strategies; in other words, eliminating certain types of treatment that may not be necessary to achieve a good outcome. An example of this concept has been highlighted in the recent PROSPECT trial for rectal cancer. Pelvic […]
Currently there is an explosion of data that associates body weight to a variety of cancers. Although clinicians and epidemiologists have used the Body Mass Index (BMI = weight in kilograms/height in meters2) as an indicator of ideal weight and obesity, recent discussions support that BMI is insufficient to fully indicate levels of obesity. What […]
The most common adult primary intracranial neoplasms are meningiomas. The age-adjusted incidence of meningiomas reported in the United States is 12 per 100,000 women per year and it continues to increase, according to the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States. Since many of our cancer registries collect meningiomas and include them as a […]