
Registry Highlights

Join us in reviewing our feature programs highlighting the individuals and organizations that are helping lead the Cancer Registry mission.

ERS Speakers Bureau - Let us talk about it!

When it comes to Cancer Registry, ERS is an industry builder, at the forefront of the field, leading cancer registry innovation by providing cancer centers with rich data and insights to help steer the best cancer care for every patient. Let our team, with their decades of registry expertise, bring their knowledge and experience to your team as speakers on various topics. Our speakers can present virtually or in person at your conference, meeting, educational session and more!

Our speakers include:

Frederick L. Greene, MD, FACS

Chief Medical Officer
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Melanie Rogan, ODS

Solution Architect
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Todd Carter

Director, Technology & Implementation
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Recent Presentations

Work Smarter Not Harder

Synoptic Operative Reporting: A Surgical Perspective

Data Quality - 5 Ws and an H

Navigating the Future of Your Cancer Program: A Partnership Between Your Navigation Program and the Cancer Registry

Automated Data Exchange: Approaches to Revitalize your Cancer Registry

Marketing the Cancer Registry

Staging Strategies for the Treatment of Cancer

Climbing the Data Mountain: Oncology Data Utilization

CoC 2020 Standards: Implications for the Cancer Registry

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