Clinical Corner - July 2021

One of the concepts that I am really excited about is the opportunity for us to create the ERS Advisory Board. As you hopefully heard during our exhibit time at the virtual NCRA meeting, this Advisory Board will be an opportunity for a group of our ERS user family to periodically meet and discuss not only issues important to the registries that use ERS products, but also to develop strategies that will help create an efficient and exciting work environment for all cancer registrars.

I am delighted that we have already received quite a number of applications for membership on the Advisory Board even before the August 1 deadline. I have personally heard from many of you regarding this initiative and I am looking forward to coordinating the activities of the Advisory Board beginning in the fall.

As the mission of the Advisory Board states:

“The Board will serve as a vital group of ERS users to give advice and direction to the ERS leadership regarding product development, interoperability with potential registry-associated technology, educational strategies and research opportunities that would benefit cancer registrars and institutions utilizing ERS registry products as well as the global cancer registry world.”

The overriding concept and plan for the most effective and efficient constitution of this ERS Advisory Board will be based on the premise that all members of the Board are considered peers and that open and frank discussion will always be encouraged and expected. One of my aspirational goals for the Board, as well as for all of us, is to develop strategies that will educate, inform and increase engagement of clinicians regarding the many facets of registry activities. We all need to think about this ambitious goal. I will have much more to say on this topic in future renderings of the “Clinical Corner.” Until then, enjoy your summer and put on plenty of sunscreen!
