
Registry Highlights

Join us in reviewing our feature programs highlighting the individuals and organizations that are helping lead the Cancer Registry mission.


Nursenav Partnership

September 22, 2022
ERS is pleased to announce their partnership with Nursenav, a market leader for oncology navigation software, and the integration of their flagship software solutions, CRStar and CONNECT. This integration leverages cancer registry workflows and data collection to support services provided by oncology navigation. The CRStar and CONNECT integration optimizes the central role of the cancer […]
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Are You Being Resourceful? Five Simple Tips

July 20, 2022
“The skill of resourcefulness is the key to success”…… Author Unknown Here are five very simple resourceful ideas that every cancer registry professional should examine: Develop a strong network of your industry peers Connect with other cancer registrars that you admire and trust. Create a network from your state associations and NCRA. Join social media […]
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Follow-up Stay Ahead and Beat the Stress

July 20, 2022
Does this image depict how you feel when running your registry’s lost to follow-up calculations? One of the most frequently asked support questions we receive is, “Why are my follow-up rates not going up? I have entered new follow-up entries and the lost to follow-up percentage stays the same! HELP!!” Let’s talk about doing monthly […]
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Trouble-Free Requests for Data

July 20, 2022
Trouble-Free Requests for Data One of my favorite quotes that pertains to cancer data collection is, “Hiding within the mounds of data is knowledge that could change the life of a patient or change the world.” The cancer registry is the one location within the health system that contains the complete “story” of each patient’s […]
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Dashboard Analytics 101

July 20, 2022
What is a dashboard? By definition, a data dashboard is a management tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays key performance indicator (KPI) metrics and displays vital information about a business, department or other entity. Dashboards collate data from behind the scenes by connecting to a database and then display data analytics in the form […]
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Seven Tips for Successful Networking

July 20, 2022
Successful networking helps us grow professionally and can uncover hidden possibilities. Here are 7 tips that everyone should know and follow. 1. Prepare an elevator speech When meeting new professional contacts, have an elevator speech ready. This should be a brief summary of what you want people to know about you. Your elevator speech should […]
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Monitoring Productivity in the Cancer Registry

July 20, 2022
With more and more registrars working from home today, and administrators wanting to reduce cost and maximize efficiency, facilities are looking at ways to monitor productivity. This can prove troublesome for some registry managers, as registries do not solely abstract cases, each case is individual and requires its own time to be completed. Registrars are […]
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Research and Cancer Registry Collaboration Offers More Patients Hope

July 20, 2022
Research and Cancer Registry Collaboration Offers More Patients Hope Is your cancer registry involved with Clinical Trials in your cancer center?  Does the clinical trial department understand the value that cancer registry data can hold for them? These are questions we frequently ask and engage in conversations about with our clients. Many times, the power of the […]
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Concurrency of Registry Data and it’s Increasing Value for Real Time Decision Making

July 20, 2022
Does your Oncology program struggle with not having access to current data? Do you find it hard to make both clinical and financial decisions? The struggle is real! However things have drastically improved in this area in the last several years. Concurrent cancer registry data collection is becoming the norm and oncology programs nationwide are […]
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Tips for Successfully Working from Home

July 20, 2022
Working from home is becoming the norm for many cancer registrars. Some work from home 100% of the time and in many cases work for facilities in another state. Other registrars find themselves working from home on certain days and on other days going in to the office for certain activities such as cancer conference, […]
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Making Cancer Registry Data Meaningful & Marketable to Grow Your Oncology Program

July 20, 2022
The Cancer Registry is a vast knowledge center that can provide meaningful and insightful data to clinicians, cancer center and hospital administrators and other partners within the oncology world. The data provided can help grow and expand services offered at your facility as well as provide data for research and quality studies. It is very […]
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