
Registry Highlights

Join us in reviewing our feature programs highlighting the individuals and organizations that are helping lead the Cancer Registry mission.

About You! Putting the Spotlight on CTRs

ERS series, “About You!” highlights the personal story and experience of a different CTR every few weeks. As the name suggests, this is “About You” – the CTRs who make up the cancer registry community.

If you know of a CTR who deserves recognition or if you are a Cancer Center leader who would like to give a shout out to an outstanding CTR, please reach out and let us know. Upon getting permission with the CTR’s leadership, Sally Kruse, CTR, a legend in her own right, will follow up with a wide-ranging interview and a summary article representing her discussion.

These interviews will be available on the ERS website and also posted on Facebook. The featured individual with the greatest number of “likes” on Facebook will receive a prize at the end of the year! Visit us on Facebook to cast your vote with a “like!” If you’re not already following us on Facebook, please make sure to click “Like” our page while you’re there!

This is your opportunity to engage and highlight a community that often doesn’t get recognized – and have some fun while doing it.

Sharon Thomas, ODS-C

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Thirty-three years ago, Sharon Thomas, ODS-C, started in the Cancer Registry at as a Follow-up Clerk. It did not take long for her to expand her career, passing the ODS exam in 1991. Currently, she is the Senior Cancer Registrar at the University of Florida Shands Hospital in Gainesville, where she is responsible for abstracting […]
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Noreen Brown, ODS-C

Oklahoma University Medical Center
“Noreen is incredibly conscientious, very detailed and a hard worker. Great attitude and accepts changes without complaints.” This high praise about Noreen Brown, ODS-C, Cancer Registry Coordinator at Oklahoma University Medical Center, comes from her supervisor, Nancy Etzold, ODS-C, Director, of the Cancer Registry at OU Medical Center. For many years, Noreen was an executive […]
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Tricia Obrecht, ODS-C

Mercyhealth – Janesville, WI & Rockford, IL
“Tricia was an abstractor and registry coordinator for 24 years and then promoted to supervisor three years ago, becoming the Cancer Program Coordinator for two Mercyhealth Hospitals – one in Janesville WI, and one in Rockford IL,” says Trudy Smithback, Transcription/Cancer Registry HIM for St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison, WI, who nominated Tricia Obrecht for […]
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Dr. Shirley Jordan Seay, PhD, MSN, MEd, ODS-C

Santa Barbara City College
“In this life don’t ever let anybody tell you what you can’t do, or what you are not capable of doing, or put you down. Turn it around and make those comments your inspiration and motivation to do what they thought was impossible.” Words of advice from Dr. Shirley Jordan Seay, a ODS-C who lived […]
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Janet Vogel, ODS-C

himagine solutions
Janet Vogel, ODS-C, was working in the Medical Records Department at Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, Florida, when she was approached by the current cancer registrar, Nancy Etzold, ODS-C. Nancy was moving to another facility and the ODS-C position at Blake would need to be filled. Janet knew nothing about the cancer registry and was […]
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Nancy Etzold, ODS-C

OU Medicine, Inc.
“Communication and sharing knowledge among all not only make a great team, but also creates a stress-free environment.” These are the words of Nancy Etzold, ODS-C, Cancer Registry Director at OU Medicine, Inc. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where she raves about her team. They have been together for 10 years and many have been with […]
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Michael Serwint, MD, ODS-C

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
There is a doctor in the house, and he is also a ODS-C! Meet medical oncologist, Michael Serwint, MD, ODS-C. For more than 30 years, Michael’s practice was in Medical Oncology and he was not ready to retire. The Cancer Registry was in the same office as his practice in Pennsylvania and he was somewhat […]
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