Seven Tips for Successful Networking

Successful networking helps us grow professionally and can uncover hidden possibilities. Here are 7 tips that everyone should know and follow.

1. Prepare an elevator speech

When meeting new professional contacts, have an elevator speech ready. This should be a brief summary of what you want people to know about you. Your elevator speech should be able to be delivered in 30 seconds or less. This is your chance to make a good and lasting first impression. 

2. Meet people through your contacts

Tap into your existing contacts to meet new ones. These may be co-workers, members of your association, state contacts, or members of other departments within your facility. Build ties with these new contacts. Find out what you have in common and develop a common bond. Be generous in sharing your talents and experiences. And make sure to share your business card with each new contact. 

3. Leverage social media

Social media is a great way to stay in contact with contacts and colleagues. Join professional Facebook groups, including state and national associations, related organizations and various oncology related groups. Create a LinkedIn account and make sure to keep it up to date. Share pertinent information, links and articles with colleagues 

4. Join and maintain memberships with professional organizations

Joining professional organizations and being active in those organizations can provide many benefits. Some health care professionals hold multiple credentials and belong to different healthcare organizations and most associations hold annual educational meetings. In addition to learning more about your field, attending these meetings provides the opportunity to meet and share knowledge with others already in the field. Take the time to read the newsletters and journals that most professional organizations publish. If you are a subject matter expert on a particular topic, volunteer to present a session at a conference or write an article. 

5. Volunteer

Volunteering can be extremely rewarding and a great way to give back to your organization and profession. Organizations usually struggle to find volunteers to run for office or chair committees. Volunteering is a great way to meet new contacts and create lasting relationships.

6. Be a resource for others

Become a powerful resource for others. Share your knowledge and expertise. When you are known as a strong resource, people will turn to you for suggestions and ideas.

7. Maintain your new network

After developing your network, find ways to maintain those relationships. Keep in touch periodically. Share what is happening in your professional life and ask your contacts for updates. This will ensure an ongoing and balanced relationship. 

Successful networking can be an easy and fun way to enrich your life, broaden your horizons and enhance your career.

Related articles

Top 11 Benefits of Networking by the Michael Page team

The Importance of Networking (and How to Do It Well) by Amanda Augustine
